Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Find Famous Restaurant Recipes

A few years ago I was traveling with my husband in Colorado. We stopped at a restaurant for dinner and had the best Chicken Marsala I've ever eaten. It was so good that I ended up asking for the recipe, knowing that chances were great that I'd never make it back out to this restaurant again. Unfortunately the owner refused to share the recipe. A few weeks later we were back home and I found myself craving that chicken again. So off to the web I went in search of a recipe that would come as close as possible to that of this little Italian restaurant in Colorado. During this search I first came across so called copycat recipes. There are plenty of resources online to help you recreate almost any famous restaurant recipe.

The next question is of course how to go about finding those recipes. Here are my favorite ways to do it.

My first choice is usually to go to Google and type in the name of the dish and if applicable the name of the restaurant and then recipe. Sometimes it helps to also add copycat. An example of a search would be "Outback Steakhouse Coconut Shrimp Recipe" or Outback Steakhouse Coconut Shrimp Copycat Recipe". Both of those should give you plenty of recipes to try.

Another way to find these recipes is to head to your local bookstore or library. Volumes of recipes have been written on just the topic of recreating your favorite restaurant dishes. And it doesn't end there. I've come across books that explain how to make your own twinkies and the likes at home.

Last but not least there are recipe communities on the web that are a great source of information when you're trying to recreate your favorite dish. Places like CDKitchen and AllRecipes are great places to look. What I like about them is the fact that you can comment and ask questions about these recipes.

Once you have a few recipes that look good, get cooking and give them a try. Don't be too disappointed if the end result doesn't taste exactly like your favorite dish at first. Sometimes it takes a little bit of tweaking before you get it just right. Ask for suggestions or advice in your favorite cooking or recipe community and before you know it you'll have a recipe you'll love.

Here are two of my favorite copycat restaurant recipes. Give them a try and let me know what you think. Feel free to leave a comment at http://hubpages.com/hub/Copycat-Restaurant-Recipes with any questions you may have on those two dishes or to leave a request of a favorite dish of yours that you'd like to find a recipe for.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Discover the Reasons To Make Copycat Recipes at Home

Just imagine yourself sitting in the booth at your favorite restaurant and your waitress has just placed your piping hot favorite dish down in front of you.  It smells so good!  But eating out several nights a week can be very expensive.  What if you could have that exact recipe to make your favorite dish anytime you wanted?  What if you had over 800 restaurant recipes to fix at home?    Do the copycat  recipes actually taste like the real thing?

They absolutely do!  Copycat recipes are tested over and over again to ensure that you are creating the exact dishes from the restaurant.  Expert chefs spend hours tweeking these recipes to get the flavor just right.  These recipes are as close to the real thing as sitting your favorite restaurant  right in your own kitchen. But will these copycat recipes save you money? 

The amount of money you will save with these recipes will be absolutely shocking.  Imagine for you and your significant other to spend a night out at your favorite restaurant.  You get an appetizer, 2 entrees and share a dessert.  With drinks, food and a tip you have easily spent between $55 to $70.  To make these same recipes at home without sacrificing any flavor you will spend probably about a third of that. So you could fix 3 separate meals at home using the copycat recipes for what it would cost you to eat out one time.  So where do you get these recipes at?

Truth be known, if you look around the internet some, you will find some recipes out there that claim to be real restaurant copycat  recipes.  Let me assure you, I tried several of these.  Bottom line, there is a reason they are free.  They are not even close to the recipes they use at the restaurant.  The recipes at these free sites obviously are not tested and created by professional chefs.  Most of them lack flavor all together and just aren't that good. So what will you need to make these awesome recipes at home?

That's the great thing about copycat recipes.  You will not need any special cooking equipment or any special ingredients.  The items you need you probably already have around you kitchen if you do any cooking at all.  For anything you run across that you don't have, it will be readily available at your local food mart.  Nothing exotic here.  Now all you need are some recipes.

Don't delay, get your Copycat Recipes right now. Find many popular restaurant recipes at http://www.copycatrecipe.info

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Simple Dessert Recipes - Tips For Finding the Right Recipe

Everyone loves a good dessert. Decadent chocolates, luscious fruits, supreme custards. However, making such succulent desserts can be a daunting task to the novice baker. Luckily for the cooking-impaired, all is not lost. There are a great number of simple dessert recipes that not only produce beautiful and delicious desserts but are approachable even for those who may not be as familiar with their oven.

The key is to look for the right kind of recipes. For these purposes, it is not so much important to consider the end product, but the cooking skill required to arrive there. So, when considering what recipe to use, keep the following guidelines in mind.

1. Ingredients. When picking a recipe, first look at the list of ingredients needed to complete the recipe. Some recipes have over ten required ingredients while others may only have five or six. Usually, the more ingredients used in a recipe, the more complex the recipe is to make. Additionally, recipes with long lists of ingredients will likely include some lesser known and more rarely used ingredients, which might require an extra trip to the store. Recipes with fewer ingredients are often easier to make because they have less steps to complete, though often the end result is just as delicious.

2. Preparation time. For inexperienced cooks, it might be advisable to look at how long it will take to complete the recipe. A large amount of prep time not only cuts into a busy day more, but it also suggests that a recipe is more complicated and therefore have more possibility for error. The preparation of a dessert is critical; one misstep can spell disaster for the end result. So keeping the preparation time to a minimum reduces that risk. It is important to remember that even simple dessert recipes can be the perfect treat.

3. Baking terminology. Look carefully at each step of the recipe. If there are words and terms that are unfamiliar, then this recipe may not be simple enough to consider. There are various methods of preparing foods that unskilled cooks may not be familiar with. Unless you are willing to put in extra time to research just what these terms mean, it may be wise to select a recipe with more basic steps.

4. Mixes. While making a dessert from scratch can be a gratifying experience, today there are a multitude of baking mixes that produce food that is just as yummy. The baking aisle of any supermarket will have a wide variety of mixes for cakes and brownies or even cookies and pies. To truly simplify baking a good dessert, try a mix. Most mixes will even have small recipes on the box to enhance the mix and create a more tasty treat.

Whatever the occasion, be it a dinner party or just a snack for yourself, it is easy to find simple dessert recipes that will work for you.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about simple dessert recipes [http://dessertrecipessite.info/simple-dessert-recipes-tips-for-finding-the-right-recipe], please visit Dessert Recipes Site [http://dessertrecipessite.info] for current articles and discussions.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why More Soul Food Recipe Websites Are Offering More User Friendly Recipes

Soul food recipes are growing more user-friendly. They're adjusting to the needs and lifestyles of a growing number of people who have discovered and are rediscovering the joy of cooking. Due to the tight economy, more families are turning to preparing meals at home. According to University of Californian study, people families can save over 70% by preparing meals at home instead of eating the same meal at a restaurant or fast food establishment.

The soul food recipes on the websites that offer user-friendly recipes are currently experiencing the fast growth you would expect from new budding cooks. Many experts feel this growth comes from new cooks of all ages who are trying to stretch their monthly food dollars.

User friendly soul food recipes are the less complicated recipes, many traditional southern recipes people have grown up with. They also cover recipes with less ingredients, in addition to ingredients that are easy to find. All these add up to more user friendly recipes new and budding cooks love. Initial reactions from site visitors have been positive. Many have commented on the encouragement many of the recipes have been in giving them more cooking confidence. Because of their added confidence with these user-friendly soul food recipes, they're motivated to try more complex recipes. For example, desserts, sauces and even breads.

With the fast pace most families are at now simple, light and of course fast is how people want to prepare their meals. In addition, you'll find more healthy soul food recipes. For example, lighter, with less calories and less sodium. Now you'll see more recipes seasoned with more natural ingredients instead of salt, fatback, ham hocks or bacon.

Now you'll see more recipes calling garlic and onion powder, bay leaves, thyme, chili peppers and other natural seasonings. All these have made for not only healthier eating but tasty eating. But one of the biggest user-friendly additions experiencing the fastest growth is video recipes. People love the ease of following experts on these videos, because it allows them to see the details written recipes can show. For example, how the cook hold the pan, the spatula or how they stir the vegetables without smashing them.

The videos help to bring the soul food recipes to life, especially for the new cook, and helps them to get a more accurate vision of the finished product. Another important benefit of video recipes is how they show the viewer how to avoid and correct those little mistakes that can happen with the added benefit of demonstration. Stay tuned as more people re-discover cooking their meals at home again, the user friendly recipes will continue to grow also.

Be sure to see the top 20 soul food recipes chosen by readers this month, plus watch soul food experts cook the most popular southern dishes and watch the recipes come alive before your eyes... Go to... http://blackhomeownernews.com/soulfoodrecipes.html.

Friday, March 18, 2011

9 Ways to Use Recipes For Foreign Language Learning

"What to do?" "What to do?"

English and foreign language teachers are often in a quandary for simple but effective class room activities. You and your language learners have to eat don't you? Well, to help get you started, briefly here are some useful ways to use recipes for foreign language learning you might want to consider and a brief look at each:

o Making a recipe preparation video

If there was ever a great way to incorporate multiple intelligences and application of multi-media into foreign language learning, then this is it. You guide your language learners in preparing a short step-by-step video of preparing a simple recipe.

o Creating a recipe poster with images

For a much more low-tech approach, why not consider having your language learners make a poster showing how a simple recipe is prepared. They can include pictures of the preparation process and the finished recipe too.

o Narrating a recipe preparation

This is yet another particularly simple-to-apply method for using recipes for foreign language learning. Learners just narrate the process into a microphone, recording the recipe preparation process as a sound file into a cassette recorder, PC or laptop computer.

o Writing out a new recipe in different ways

The foreign language teacher can dictate a simple recipe for the learners to write down. The finished, corrected version can then be posted in the class room or online. Dictation addresses the foreign language learners' writing ability as well as their listening comprehension skills.

o Shooting digital images of a recipe in preparation

To get a good series of images for preparing a recipe, foreign language learners absolutely must understand the preparation steps and how ingredients are combined. Photographing the recipe preparation process will help organize the steps and process in their minds as well as provide them with picture image "manipulatives" or realia they can physically handle or manipulate during the organization process.

o Focusing on the use of a particular ingredient in the preparation of different recipes

Take a commonly used ingredient like onions or tomatoes and ask your language learners about other recipes which use that particular ingredient. Can you make juice, pastries or desserts with it? How about soup or salad?

o Preparation of simple, basic recipes in class

Language learners just love this one. You have them select and prepare a very simple, basic recipe in class while explaining the process aloud. The recipe need not be anything fancy or special - just edible.

o Having English language learners bring prepared dishes to class and explain their ingredients and preparation

This is yet another variation on simple recipe preparation. Language learners being basic ingredients to class, then prepare their offering for all to sample. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich, hot dogs or a cookie sandwich hors d'oeuvres will do the trick nicely.

o Posting videos, narrations and written recipes online

Another concept which might be considered or included is to post the language learners' recipes online. It could be on the school blog, in the school newspaper or as an article posting online at any of the hundreds of free article banks online. You choose, but choose wisely, grasshopper.

Ways to Use Recipes for Foreign Language Learning

So there you have it, nine ways to use recipes and their ingredients for English or other foreign language learning. Why not choose one or two and put them to the best use in your language learning class room soon?

Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, prolific writer, expert author and public speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 120 countries. Get your FREE E-book, "If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know" and English language teaching and learning information at: http://bettereflteacher.blogspot.com Need a blogger or copywriter to promote your school, institution, service or business or an experienced writer and vibrant SEO content for your website, blog or newsletter? Contact the author at the above blog address for more information.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why Pay for Recipes When You Get Them Online for Free?

With so many recipe web sits online, why should you pay for recipes? The Internet really gives you a great resource of many different web sites. There is a great variety of web sites out there. Some sites are run by food companies such as Kraft foods, Barilla Pasta, and Land O'Lakes. Other sites are run by magazines like Martha Steward, Women's Day, Family Circle, and many others. There are other websites that are simply collections of recipes.

Many companies such as Kraft foods build websites so you will use their ingredients in the food that you make. On Kraft's website you can find so many recipes for things made with cheese: casseroles, appetizers, breads, pizzas, and so much more. Other sites such as Barilla Pasta feature recipes that are specialize in pasta. Land of Lakes features recipes that contain butter: cookies, sauces, breads, a variety of desserts, and so much more. If you buy a particular brand of food, chances are that there is a web site to compliment what you just bought.

Many magazines offer free recipes online. Bon Appetit, Gourmet Magazine offers tons of recipes from current magazines as well as the past. Other magazines such as Woman's Day, and Family Circle offer so many free recipes. So if you can think of a magazine you enjoy, chances are there is a web site to match.

Another terrific type of recipe web site are simply ones that are collections of recipes. Allrecipes.com features many recipes from its viewers, people just like you. SOAR recipe archive has been around since around 1995 and is a non profit web site that features thousands of recipes from many different categories. Be sure to use your favorite search engine to find recipe collections based upon pies, cakes, Jewish, French, and just about any other sorts of recipes you can think of.

You can easily see that there are many different free recipes available online. There is really no need in purchasing recipes when there is a great variety that is available for you. There are literally thousands of recipes and cooking web sites that are waiting for you to explore them.

Web Sites Mentioned

Major food companies




Magazines with recipes

http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/ - Features recipes from Gourmet and Bon Apetit Magazines



Other Recipe Websites



Stephanei Manley is the editor for CopyKat recipes - you have tried it in the restaurant, now make it at home. http://www.copykat.com

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Your Favorite Ground Beef Recipes

If you are looking for the right kind of ground beef recipes you should take a look online and see what all those different cooking sites have to offer you. The internet is an amazing database of recipes where you can find an endless collection of ground beef recipes too. You just have to make a little effort and choose the right site. You will also then need to work on the recipe for yourself and see if it suitable to serve to family or guests. If you are looking to impress your friends and family a more exotic ground beef recipe will be a better option. For instance you can look for some Italian delicacy or something from the Pakistani/Indian cuisine. There are many benefits of including ground beef in your daily diet because you need some kind of meat source as part of a balanced diet too.

With the right kind of recipe you can make usual ground beef turn into something special. In fact, every day can be a special day if you make the effort to provide your family with thrilling new recipes. This way you can also make the children and the adults enjoy home cooking more and they can get to see a variety of food on the table. If you have some of your own concoctions which you want to try out, then you should do that too. But before making a lot of a new recipe, it is always wise to make a small amount with a few ingredients to see how the recipe turns out and whether it is indeed tasting the way you want it to. Sometimes you can always tweak the recipes to make them taste better. But it is really up to you. when making substitutions it is important to not go overboard - or you might change the recipe entirely.

When a recipe calls for a certain ingredient try to get that ingredient and don't replace it with something you have lying around at home. It can have a serious effect on the recipe and you will not like it. It is also a good idea to check out the comments that people have left to that recipe and see if they liked how it turned out. If a lot of people have commented poorly then it is not a good idea to take up that particular recipe. Look for another one that works. Sometimes people will also leave comments regarding how they enhanced the taste of a specific recipe which is something that can really be helpful for you. So it is definitely important to read those comments. You should also leave your own comments about the recipe once you have made it to save others some trouble. Let people know if the recipe is good or bad - you will be doing a good service.

You can also find some accompanying recipes like egg salad recipe from online resources which can be used for family, friends or guests or even for kid's snacks.

For more information on recipes check out http://theorangedragon.com/alternative-ground-beef-recipes/ and http://theorangedragon.com/how-about-an-egg-salad-recipe/