Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eating Healthy and Staying Fit With the Perfect Recipes

Eating everything you want and staying fit used to be a contradiction because you just couldn't eat anything you craved for and stay in great shape as well. It's not impossible anymore. Specialists have developed methods to make you look great and feel healthy even if you eat food you were not normally allowed to in the past. What's the secret? You have to stick to a steady schedule, use good recipes to cook and exercise from time to time. Nutritionists have come up with programs that allow you to eat as much as you like without gaining one pound by teaching you to live a happy healthy life. You can now forget the starvation method and the holding back from food frustrations and just stay slim having a normal life.

Many people go on a diet when they think they are too fat, but this isn't necessarily a good idea because once you finish the diet you will most likely go back to your old habits and gain pounds again. The fat will build up a lot faster and you will be more disappointed because of your long term past efforts. The best thing is to be in a constant diet, not a severe one (like fasting), but holding back from different types of food that aren't nutritious and very fattening. This kind of food is usually the junk food and fast food. Even though a hamburger might make you feel full and satisfied, it actually doesn't feed your body like it should and it's full of fattening agents. Junk food like chips, chocolate bars and other type of sweets share the same story as fast food. So a good diet is the no junk food diet which means more health for you.

The worst diet possible is the starvation method. You will probably loose some weight, but you will also destroy your stomach in doing so. If you really want to start a good diet, all you have to do is create an organized schedule for yourself and stick to it. First of all you need to give up all the fast food and any food you order through the telephone and start eating some cooked at home food made according to healthy recipes. Even if you are not a professional cook you can enjoy your activity and turn it into a real beneficial experience which can't go wrong with detailed recipes.

What are the best recipes for a diet? It's difficult to say what recipes are more efficient because other factors have to be taken into consideration (your body and how it responds to different foods, how active you are and so on and so forth). Any of the recipes you have might be good for a diet if you take out the fattening ingredients. Of course there are some recipes that just aren't appropriate for a diet, like anything that involves pork and gravy. Pork is very high in cholesterol so it will stack up making you ill and you will get to see the results on your own body. The best type of meat for a diet is chicken and fish. You should look for any recipes with chicken and especially for the ones based on grilled chicken. Another type of meat you can eat without any problem is fish and there are a lot of recipes for cooking fish.

Beside the fact that it's nurturing and lacks fats, fish meat is very high in phosphorus which is great for the body. Recipes that keep the fish as natural as possible without cooking it to much are the most popular and the most nourishing. Sushi is a great idea if the raw fish doesn't bother you. Another important suggestion for a diet is to eat greens. Add vegetables to any of the recipes you like. They won't compromise the taste of any food and might even make it better. A secret to destroy as few of the vitamins contained in vegetables and fruit is not to boil or cook them too much because they will lose their proprieties. In fact, it's better to eat them as raw as possible. If you cook chicken, you can always add a raw salad to it. The recipes usually give indications on how the salad should be a little soured with vinegar because the chicken is sweet and this way you can balance the flavors. You need to know what you can and can't eat. You can't have pork so you have to avoid recipes involving pork, but any natural food (especially vegetable and fruit) is preferred to the artificial and full of chemicals products on the market.

After you've decided what you would like to eat you have to imagine what you would like it to taste like. For example chicken or beef is very sweet, but not all recipes containing these ingredients are sweet. You can make it hot, sour and salty or whatever you like it to be. You can always look for a recipe on the internet, but trying to cook something that a chef recommends is not advised at first because you will probably fail. All recipes can be modified to your own liking.

Alcohol is a very important thing in healthy eating. A lot of recipes contain alcohol, especially wine. Alcohol is an ingredient which (in small quantities) helps the blood move faster. Another one of its properties is the power to break down food particles faster and most importantly to break down fats. That is why after the meal a small quantity of alcohol is recommended - to help in the digestion of the food.

A lot of people complain they don't have the recipes too cook the food they want and they resort to eating out. You don't need very elaborate recipes to enjoy a wonderful, healthy meal and the Internet has all the food information you need. With a little bit of imagination which can sometimes turn into passion and a website with recipes, you can be a healthy individual without appealing to any diet. Although healthy food has always been important ("We are what we eat"), people tend to forget that. They are afraid that healthy food isn't as tasty as junk food, but they are wrong. With the appropriate recipes and ingredients you will see for yourself that healthy food is the best food: nurturing, tasty and non-fattening.

If you are interested in finding the perfect recipes for your healthy body without trying an exhausting diet, please visit this site. It has everything you need to cook the tasty food you want.

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