Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Find Famous Restaurant Recipes

A few years ago I was traveling with my husband in Colorado. We stopped at a restaurant for dinner and had the best Chicken Marsala I've ever eaten. It was so good that I ended up asking for the recipe, knowing that chances were great that I'd never make it back out to this restaurant again. Unfortunately the owner refused to share the recipe. A few weeks later we were back home and I found myself craving that chicken again. So off to the web I went in search of a recipe that would come as close as possible to that of this little Italian restaurant in Colorado. During this search I first came across so called copycat recipes. There are plenty of resources online to help you recreate almost any famous restaurant recipe.

The next question is of course how to go about finding those recipes. Here are my favorite ways to do it.

My first choice is usually to go to Google and type in the name of the dish and if applicable the name of the restaurant and then recipe. Sometimes it helps to also add copycat. An example of a search would be "Outback Steakhouse Coconut Shrimp Recipe" or Outback Steakhouse Coconut Shrimp Copycat Recipe". Both of those should give you plenty of recipes to try.

Another way to find these recipes is to head to your local bookstore or library. Volumes of recipes have been written on just the topic of recreating your favorite restaurant dishes. And it doesn't end there. I've come across books that explain how to make your own twinkies and the likes at home.

Last but not least there are recipe communities on the web that are a great source of information when you're trying to recreate your favorite dish. Places like CDKitchen and AllRecipes are great places to look. What I like about them is the fact that you can comment and ask questions about these recipes.

Once you have a few recipes that look good, get cooking and give them a try. Don't be too disappointed if the end result doesn't taste exactly like your favorite dish at first. Sometimes it takes a little bit of tweaking before you get it just right. Ask for suggestions or advice in your favorite cooking or recipe community and before you know it you'll have a recipe you'll love.

Here are two of my favorite copycat restaurant recipes. Give them a try and let me know what you think. Feel free to leave a comment at http://hubpages.com/hub/Copycat-Restaurant-Recipes with any questions you may have on those two dishes or to leave a request of a favorite dish of yours that you'd like to find a recipe for.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Discover the Reasons To Make Copycat Recipes at Home

Just imagine yourself sitting in the booth at your favorite restaurant and your waitress has just placed your piping hot favorite dish down in front of you.  It smells so good!  But eating out several nights a week can be very expensive.  What if you could have that exact recipe to make your favorite dish anytime you wanted?  What if you had over 800 restaurant recipes to fix at home?    Do the copycat  recipes actually taste like the real thing?

They absolutely do!  Copycat recipes are tested over and over again to ensure that you are creating the exact dishes from the restaurant.  Expert chefs spend hours tweeking these recipes to get the flavor just right.  These recipes are as close to the real thing as sitting your favorite restaurant  right in your own kitchen. But will these copycat recipes save you money? 

The amount of money you will save with these recipes will be absolutely shocking.  Imagine for you and your significant other to spend a night out at your favorite restaurant.  You get an appetizer, 2 entrees and share a dessert.  With drinks, food and a tip you have easily spent between $55 to $70.  To make these same recipes at home without sacrificing any flavor you will spend probably about a third of that. So you could fix 3 separate meals at home using the copycat recipes for what it would cost you to eat out one time.  So where do you get these recipes at?

Truth be known, if you look around the internet some, you will find some recipes out there that claim to be real restaurant copycat  recipes.  Let me assure you, I tried several of these.  Bottom line, there is a reason they are free.  They are not even close to the recipes they use at the restaurant.  The recipes at these free sites obviously are not tested and created by professional chefs.  Most of them lack flavor all together and just aren't that good. So what will you need to make these awesome recipes at home?

That's the great thing about copycat recipes.  You will not need any special cooking equipment or any special ingredients.  The items you need you probably already have around you kitchen if you do any cooking at all.  For anything you run across that you don't have, it will be readily available at your local food mart.  Nothing exotic here.  Now all you need are some recipes.

Don't delay, get your Copycat Recipes right now. Find many popular restaurant recipes at http://www.copycatrecipe.info

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Simple Dessert Recipes - Tips For Finding the Right Recipe

Everyone loves a good dessert. Decadent chocolates, luscious fruits, supreme custards. However, making such succulent desserts can be a daunting task to the novice baker. Luckily for the cooking-impaired, all is not lost. There are a great number of simple dessert recipes that not only produce beautiful and delicious desserts but are approachable even for those who may not be as familiar with their oven.

The key is to look for the right kind of recipes. For these purposes, it is not so much important to consider the end product, but the cooking skill required to arrive there. So, when considering what recipe to use, keep the following guidelines in mind.

1. Ingredients. When picking a recipe, first look at the list of ingredients needed to complete the recipe. Some recipes have over ten required ingredients while others may only have five or six. Usually, the more ingredients used in a recipe, the more complex the recipe is to make. Additionally, recipes with long lists of ingredients will likely include some lesser known and more rarely used ingredients, which might require an extra trip to the store. Recipes with fewer ingredients are often easier to make because they have less steps to complete, though often the end result is just as delicious.

2. Preparation time. For inexperienced cooks, it might be advisable to look at how long it will take to complete the recipe. A large amount of prep time not only cuts into a busy day more, but it also suggests that a recipe is more complicated and therefore have more possibility for error. The preparation of a dessert is critical; one misstep can spell disaster for the end result. So keeping the preparation time to a minimum reduces that risk. It is important to remember that even simple dessert recipes can be the perfect treat.

3. Baking terminology. Look carefully at each step of the recipe. If there are words and terms that are unfamiliar, then this recipe may not be simple enough to consider. There are various methods of preparing foods that unskilled cooks may not be familiar with. Unless you are willing to put in extra time to research just what these terms mean, it may be wise to select a recipe with more basic steps.

4. Mixes. While making a dessert from scratch can be a gratifying experience, today there are a multitude of baking mixes that produce food that is just as yummy. The baking aisle of any supermarket will have a wide variety of mixes for cakes and brownies or even cookies and pies. To truly simplify baking a good dessert, try a mix. Most mixes will even have small recipes on the box to enhance the mix and create a more tasty treat.

Whatever the occasion, be it a dinner party or just a snack for yourself, it is easy to find simple dessert recipes that will work for you.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about simple dessert recipes [http://dessertrecipessite.info/simple-dessert-recipes-tips-for-finding-the-right-recipe], please visit Dessert Recipes Site [http://dessertrecipessite.info] for current articles and discussions.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why More Soul Food Recipe Websites Are Offering More User Friendly Recipes

Soul food recipes are growing more user-friendly. They're adjusting to the needs and lifestyles of a growing number of people who have discovered and are rediscovering the joy of cooking. Due to the tight economy, more families are turning to preparing meals at home. According to University of Californian study, people families can save over 70% by preparing meals at home instead of eating the same meal at a restaurant or fast food establishment.

The soul food recipes on the websites that offer user-friendly recipes are currently experiencing the fast growth you would expect from new budding cooks. Many experts feel this growth comes from new cooks of all ages who are trying to stretch their monthly food dollars.

User friendly soul food recipes are the less complicated recipes, many traditional southern recipes people have grown up with. They also cover recipes with less ingredients, in addition to ingredients that are easy to find. All these add up to more user friendly recipes new and budding cooks love. Initial reactions from site visitors have been positive. Many have commented on the encouragement many of the recipes have been in giving them more cooking confidence. Because of their added confidence with these user-friendly soul food recipes, they're motivated to try more complex recipes. For example, desserts, sauces and even breads.

With the fast pace most families are at now simple, light and of course fast is how people want to prepare their meals. In addition, you'll find more healthy soul food recipes. For example, lighter, with less calories and less sodium. Now you'll see more recipes seasoned with more natural ingredients instead of salt, fatback, ham hocks or bacon.

Now you'll see more recipes calling garlic and onion powder, bay leaves, thyme, chili peppers and other natural seasonings. All these have made for not only healthier eating but tasty eating. But one of the biggest user-friendly additions experiencing the fastest growth is video recipes. People love the ease of following experts on these videos, because it allows them to see the details written recipes can show. For example, how the cook hold the pan, the spatula or how they stir the vegetables without smashing them.

The videos help to bring the soul food recipes to life, especially for the new cook, and helps them to get a more accurate vision of the finished product. Another important benefit of video recipes is how they show the viewer how to avoid and correct those little mistakes that can happen with the added benefit of demonstration. Stay tuned as more people re-discover cooking their meals at home again, the user friendly recipes will continue to grow also.

Be sure to see the top 20 soul food recipes chosen by readers this month, plus watch soul food experts cook the most popular southern dishes and watch the recipes come alive before your eyes... Go to... http://blackhomeownernews.com/soulfoodrecipes.html.

Friday, March 18, 2011

9 Ways to Use Recipes For Foreign Language Learning

"What to do?" "What to do?"

English and foreign language teachers are often in a quandary for simple but effective class room activities. You and your language learners have to eat don't you? Well, to help get you started, briefly here are some useful ways to use recipes for foreign language learning you might want to consider and a brief look at each:

o Making a recipe preparation video

If there was ever a great way to incorporate multiple intelligences and application of multi-media into foreign language learning, then this is it. You guide your language learners in preparing a short step-by-step video of preparing a simple recipe.

o Creating a recipe poster with images

For a much more low-tech approach, why not consider having your language learners make a poster showing how a simple recipe is prepared. They can include pictures of the preparation process and the finished recipe too.

o Narrating a recipe preparation

This is yet another particularly simple-to-apply method for using recipes for foreign language learning. Learners just narrate the process into a microphone, recording the recipe preparation process as a sound file into a cassette recorder, PC or laptop computer.

o Writing out a new recipe in different ways

The foreign language teacher can dictate a simple recipe for the learners to write down. The finished, corrected version can then be posted in the class room or online. Dictation addresses the foreign language learners' writing ability as well as their listening comprehension skills.

o Shooting digital images of a recipe in preparation

To get a good series of images for preparing a recipe, foreign language learners absolutely must understand the preparation steps and how ingredients are combined. Photographing the recipe preparation process will help organize the steps and process in their minds as well as provide them with picture image "manipulatives" or realia they can physically handle or manipulate during the organization process.

o Focusing on the use of a particular ingredient in the preparation of different recipes

Take a commonly used ingredient like onions or tomatoes and ask your language learners about other recipes which use that particular ingredient. Can you make juice, pastries or desserts with it? How about soup or salad?

o Preparation of simple, basic recipes in class

Language learners just love this one. You have them select and prepare a very simple, basic recipe in class while explaining the process aloud. The recipe need not be anything fancy or special - just edible.

o Having English language learners bring prepared dishes to class and explain their ingredients and preparation

This is yet another variation on simple recipe preparation. Language learners being basic ingredients to class, then prepare their offering for all to sample. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich, hot dogs or a cookie sandwich hors d'oeuvres will do the trick nicely.

o Posting videos, narrations and written recipes online

Another concept which might be considered or included is to post the language learners' recipes online. It could be on the school blog, in the school newspaper or as an article posting online at any of the hundreds of free article banks online. You choose, but choose wisely, grasshopper.

Ways to Use Recipes for Foreign Language Learning

So there you have it, nine ways to use recipes and their ingredients for English or other foreign language learning. Why not choose one or two and put them to the best use in your language learning class room soon?

Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, prolific writer, expert author and public speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 120 countries. Get your FREE E-book, "If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know" and English language teaching and learning information at: http://bettereflteacher.blogspot.com Need a blogger or copywriter to promote your school, institution, service or business or an experienced writer and vibrant SEO content for your website, blog or newsletter? Contact the author at the above blog address for more information.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why Pay for Recipes When You Get Them Online for Free?

With so many recipe web sits online, why should you pay for recipes? The Internet really gives you a great resource of many different web sites. There is a great variety of web sites out there. Some sites are run by food companies such as Kraft foods, Barilla Pasta, and Land O'Lakes. Other sites are run by magazines like Martha Steward, Women's Day, Family Circle, and many others. There are other websites that are simply collections of recipes.

Many companies such as Kraft foods build websites so you will use their ingredients in the food that you make. On Kraft's website you can find so many recipes for things made with cheese: casseroles, appetizers, breads, pizzas, and so much more. Other sites such as Barilla Pasta feature recipes that are specialize in pasta. Land of Lakes features recipes that contain butter: cookies, sauces, breads, a variety of desserts, and so much more. If you buy a particular brand of food, chances are that there is a web site to compliment what you just bought.

Many magazines offer free recipes online. Bon Appetit, Gourmet Magazine offers tons of recipes from current magazines as well as the past. Other magazines such as Woman's Day, and Family Circle offer so many free recipes. So if you can think of a magazine you enjoy, chances are there is a web site to match.

Another terrific type of recipe web site are simply ones that are collections of recipes. Allrecipes.com features many recipes from its viewers, people just like you. SOAR recipe archive has been around since around 1995 and is a non profit web site that features thousands of recipes from many different categories. Be sure to use your favorite search engine to find recipe collections based upon pies, cakes, Jewish, French, and just about any other sorts of recipes you can think of.

You can easily see that there are many different free recipes available online. There is really no need in purchasing recipes when there is a great variety that is available for you. There are literally thousands of recipes and cooking web sites that are waiting for you to explore them.

Web Sites Mentioned

Major food companies




Magazines with recipes

http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/ - Features recipes from Gourmet and Bon Apetit Magazines



Other Recipe Websites



Stephanei Manley is the editor for CopyKat recipes - you have tried it in the restaurant, now make it at home. http://www.copykat.com

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Your Favorite Ground Beef Recipes

If you are looking for the right kind of ground beef recipes you should take a look online and see what all those different cooking sites have to offer you. The internet is an amazing database of recipes where you can find an endless collection of ground beef recipes too. You just have to make a little effort and choose the right site. You will also then need to work on the recipe for yourself and see if it suitable to serve to family or guests. If you are looking to impress your friends and family a more exotic ground beef recipe will be a better option. For instance you can look for some Italian delicacy or something from the Pakistani/Indian cuisine. There are many benefits of including ground beef in your daily diet because you need some kind of meat source as part of a balanced diet too.

With the right kind of recipe you can make usual ground beef turn into something special. In fact, every day can be a special day if you make the effort to provide your family with thrilling new recipes. This way you can also make the children and the adults enjoy home cooking more and they can get to see a variety of food on the table. If you have some of your own concoctions which you want to try out, then you should do that too. But before making a lot of a new recipe, it is always wise to make a small amount with a few ingredients to see how the recipe turns out and whether it is indeed tasting the way you want it to. Sometimes you can always tweak the recipes to make them taste better. But it is really up to you. when making substitutions it is important to not go overboard - or you might change the recipe entirely.

When a recipe calls for a certain ingredient try to get that ingredient and don't replace it with something you have lying around at home. It can have a serious effect on the recipe and you will not like it. It is also a good idea to check out the comments that people have left to that recipe and see if they liked how it turned out. If a lot of people have commented poorly then it is not a good idea to take up that particular recipe. Look for another one that works. Sometimes people will also leave comments regarding how they enhanced the taste of a specific recipe which is something that can really be helpful for you. So it is definitely important to read those comments. You should also leave your own comments about the recipe once you have made it to save others some trouble. Let people know if the recipe is good or bad - you will be doing a good service.

You can also find some accompanying recipes like egg salad recipe from online resources which can be used for family, friends or guests or even for kid's snacks.

For more information on recipes check out http://theorangedragon.com/alternative-ground-beef-recipes/ and http://theorangedragon.com/how-about-an-egg-salad-recipe/

Monday, March 14, 2011

Top Cookbooks Recipes - Easy Fish Recipes From My Personal Favorites

These two easy recipes for fish are ideal for those days when you just do not have the time to cook. Even though they have to bake in the oven for some time, the preparation is quick and easy and while they are baking in the oven you are free for some other task. These are from my own personal top cookbooks recipes. I hope you enjoy them. Serve them with boiled potatoes and a green salad.

Quick and Easy Fish Casserole

Ingredients for this recipe:

1Lb. of raw fish
1 Can cream of mushroom soup
½ Cup milk
1 Cup cooked peas (tinned peas are fine)

Method for this recipe:

Steam the fish in a little water.
Drain the fish when cooked.
Mix the rest of the ingredients and pour it over the fish in an oven proof dish.
Bake the fish at 375 Degrees Fahrenheit for about 25 minutes.

Easy Haddock and Cheese Recipe

Ingredients for this recipe:

1½Lb. haddock
1 Egg
½ Grated strong cheese
1 Cup milk

Method for this recipe:

Boil the haddock for 5 minute and pour off the liquid
Flake the haddock.
Place a little of the haddock at the bottom of an oven proof dish.
Place a layer of tomatoes and a layer of cheese on top of the fish.
Repeat the layers until all the fish has been used up.
Beat the egg and milk and pour it over the fish.
Season with a little pepper to taste.
Place lumps of butter on top of the fish.
Bake the fish in a moderate oven until the egg is set.

I have to be honest with you; I am not very good with cooking fish. I tend to overcook the fish and then it turns out very dry and tasteless. This is the reason why I love fish recipes that are baked in some kind of a sauce as they do not dry out that easy.

Another very easy way of cooking white fish is to simply mix a little melted butter with a packet of tomato soup and a little boiling water. Pour this over your fish portions and simply cook it in the microwave oven until cooked. To see if the fish is cooked simply part a small piece in the middle and if the fish is not transparent any more it is cooked. I have it even easier, my microwave oven has a "fish" program so I simply put it on "fish" and the microwave oven does the rest.

With these three easy fish recipes in your arsenal you should not be at a lost for a quick and easy supper again. I hope your family will enjoy these recipes from my personal top cookbook as much as mine.

For more easy and tasty recipes go to My Best Recipes. Marge also has a site about food and some more recipes at http://www.allrecipes.our-webs.com/

Weight Watchers Recipes

When searching the internet, it's easy to find many good weight watchers recipes. However if you've never tried any of them you may be a little apprehensive to cut out so many calories and fat grams. You may be concerned about sacrificing flavor and quality. Have no fear, weight watchers recipes won't leave you feeling like you are sacrificing anything as these recipes are often better than the originals! All of these recipes are sure to make it into your personal recipe book.

Weight Watchers Cheesy Enchiladas are meatless and made by substituting fat free cheeses for higher fat cheeses. This recipe makes a moist and flavorful delight which will only cost you four points per serving. Now that's something you can feel good serving to your family as well, and I bet your kids will love it too.

Weight Watchers Pineapple Angel Food cake is made with one can of pineapple and one box of angel food cake mix. At only three points per serving this is a great dessert recipe. It's flavorful and moist. Even if you are not using weight watchers, this recipe is one that you owe it to yourself to taste.

Looking for a cool delight on a hot summer day that won't destroy all your dieting efforts? Try the Weight Watchers Orange Fluff recipe. This recipe is creamy and smooth like ice cream and has fruit for that added sweetness you crave. However, this cream won't show up on your hips. This dreamy creamy delight will only cost you one point per serving.

Looking for a way to make an old favorite compatible with your weight watchers diet? Try the Weight Watchers Mac and Cheese Recipe. This recipe has loads of flavor without all of the fat of traditional mac and cheese. After tasting this mouth watering recipe you won't like the old fattening variety any longer. You won't look at your old mac and cheese the same again. The Weight Watchers version will only cost you eight points per serving.

The Weight Watchers Barbecue Meatloaf recipe also offers a new healthy twist on an old favorite. This comforting low fat savory dish will only cost you five points per serving. It substitutes barbecue sauce for ketchup and cuts out the egg yolks to shave off calories and add flavor to this southern favorite.

For a great entertaining recipe that won't have your guests grimacing over the words "low fat" try the Weight Watchers Cola Chicken recipe. Made with diet soda and ketchup this savory chicken will leave your mouth watering for more. You may have a hard time not having seconds or thirds of this four point recipe.

Need a tasty treat to substitute for a high sugar soda? Try the Weight Watchers Chocolate Fudge Shakes recipe. Made with pudding instead of ice cream this smooth chocolaty treat is sure to tantalize your taste buds. It only takes minutes to whip up this one point per serving treat, so you can satisfy that craving fast.

Hoodia supplements can be used in many Weight Watchers recipes to accelerate the weight loss process. Hoodia grows wild in the African desert and is well known for its anti-oxidant properties and its ability to help the body burn calories faster with an increased metabolic rate. You can learn more about how to lose weight with Hoodia at the Hoodia Diet Plan [http://www.hoodiadietplan.org] portal.

David Millers reviews diet plans including Weight Watchers and recommends its use in conjunction with the [http://www.hoodiadietplan.org] website.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Using Avocado to Make Soup Recipes

Avocado is a fantastic ingredient to use in soup recipes because it is great for vegetarians and vegans and it has a nutty, creamy flavor. Some avocado soup recipes are based on chicken broth but not all of them. Perhaps you have never tried an avocado soup recipe before but avocado soup recipes do taste wonderful.

You can blend avocados, which are also knows as alligator pears or butter pears, in a food processor or blender to a smooth creaminess for use in soups. Haas avocados, which are the ones with a bumpy skin, are the best to use for avocado soup recipes because of their superior flavor.

Famous Recipes with Avocado

Avocado is also used to make famous Mexican recipes such as guacamole and several well known Mexican salad recipes, like seven layer salad. It can either be blended into a puree or chopped. You can also make recipes like shrimp cocktail with avocado, either by slicing the avocado finely or filling the hollow in the avocado with shrimp cocktail.

Avocado is used in sushi recipes, including California rolls, and it is also used to make milkshakes in Indonesia, Vietnam, South India, and Brazil. Avocados are served in salads or soups, mixed into white rice or as an accompaniment to meat or chicken in Central America and Mexico.

Avocados and Health

Avocados are high in vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, dietary fiber, copper, and folate. There is more potassium in an avocado than in a banana, which might surprise you.

It is true that avocados do contain cholesterol and fat, but a little now and then does not do any harm, as long as you eat a balanced diet. Avocados are creamy and rich and it is little wonder that many people adore them.

How to Make Creamy Avocado Soup

This is an amazing tasting soup and this recipe makes enough to serve four people if one cup of soup per serving is sufficient. You can double the recipe if you like. Serve this avocado soup recipe chilled or hot.

What you will need:

2 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup dry sherry
1 big, very ripe avocado
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin

How to make it:

Warm the chicken broth in a pan. Peel the avocado and take out the stone. Cut the flesh into several pieces, and then puree it in a blender or food processor. Pour in the cream and then all the other ingredients, including the warm chicken broth.

Pulse the soup a few times until everything is blended and then add more salt and pepper if you think it needs it. Warm the soup back up gently in the pan or chill it for a couple of hours if you want to serve it cold.

Soup recipes are great for hearty lunches or light dinners. There are so many soup recipes that you can choose from too and so many ways to use one vegetable. For example, did you know there are hundreds of onion soup recipe ideas you can try, such as a spicy onion soup, a classic French onion soup recipe and many more? Soup is a healthy and economic option, if you want to make something tasty and nutritious for your family.

FrenchOnionSoups.com - Simple, Elegant, Perfection; Soup the Way it Was Meant to Be!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Work At Home With Your Own Recipe Business

Do you love to cook? Are you looking for a way to work at home with your very own business? One of the most important things to consider when starting a home business is to choose something you love. And luckily, there are many options for potential business owners that love to cook. A recipe business is great because you don't actually have to cook anything. There are no supplies to purchase and no inventory to keep. Read on for more tips on how to make money selling your recipes.

One way is to sell your recipes one by one. Ebay is an excellent place to do this. Believe it or not, people will pay for a recipe, especially one that offers some allure. When listing a recipe for sale, include a picture of the finished product. Explain to the potential customer why your recipe is so valuable. If the recipe has a unique history behind it, be sure to include that. You can sell recipes for as little as $1 and as much as $20 or more. I have personally seen single recipes such as one man's legendary family chocolate chip recipe going for $20 each. If you offer the rights to the recipe, you'll get even more interested parties. Some people enter cooking and recipe contests and are always on the lookout for fantastic new recipes to call their own.

You could group all your best recipes into an informational product and sell them as an ebook. This can also be done through Ebay. Recipe collections that have a theme are often popular sellers. Examples include cookbooks that center around desserts, beverages, categories of ethnic food, slow cooker recipes, microwave meals, and so on.

Still another way to make money with recipes is by publishing a hard copy cookbook. There are self publishing companies that can publish your cookbook for a small fee. Or, you can try submitting an proposal for your cookbook to a literary agent or publishing house. Cookbooks make great school and church fundraisers, which is one way to sell large numbers of your product. You can also sell your cookbooks online. Cafe Press is a great site where you can create your cookbook at no cost. When someone orders a copy of your cookbook, Cafe Press creates and ships the product to the customer and your portion of the profits is sent to you.

With some creative thinking and a few great recipes, you can own and operate a thriving recipe business and join the ranks of successful business owners around the globe!

Christine Jones runs Recipe Biz, a software program containing over 5,000 recipes that can easily be repackaged and resold under your own online business. To join the hundreds who have started their own online recipe selling business, visit http://www.recipebiz.com Start earning honest, quick money today!

Friday, March 11, 2011

You Can Cook 5 Star Secret Restaurant Recipes Like the Chefs in Your Own Home

Do you want to cook the 5 star secret restaurant recipes at home to amaze your friends and family? Are you a big - no make that huge - fan of food? Not the kind you can get at your average fast food joint, but good food. You know premium meats and organic veggies combined with amazing spices and seasonings to create a meal that literally melts in your mouth and makes you feel as if you've just taken a little bite of heaven? Do you love to cook and want to know how your favorite five star chefs can create these wonderful meals? Well, you are closer than you think to learning how to cook like a pro.

Sure, many of us can cook and lots of us can cook well, but, we don't know quite how to cook like a professional chef, although lots of us would love to. Cooking is an art and talent, but there are certain tricks and secret recipes that 5 star chefs use that you can learn, too. Imagine transforming your cooking from good to excellent. How would it feel to be able to host a dinner party and have everyone raving about your secret restaurant recipes? No matter what we choose to do in life, we want to stand out. If you are a cook, then you need to learn what the professionals in world renowned restaurants know in order to let your talents shine.

When you learn 5 star secret recipes that you can cook in your own home, you will not only save money, but you'll be able to have what you crave any time you want - because you cook it! Not only will you get secret restaurant recipes, but you will also find out how to use herbs the way they are supposed to be used. Have you ever wondered what flavors work well together? You can get a guide that will show you exactly what flavors to combine so that you will never have a recipe disaster again.

The truth is that truly fabulous recipes such as the ones you will find in 5 star restaurants require not only the freshest ingredients, but herbs and seasonings as well. Have you ever wondered how to create a truly authentic Cajun meal such as a top notch gumbo? It's not just about the ingredients, but it also has to do with the seasonings you add and if you don't know what they are, your meal will fall very flat.

When you have secret restaurant recipes, you'll never again be left wondering whether or not your food is as flavorful as it should be. Never again will you be left worrying that you haven't added the right seasoning, or paired the wrong meat with your potatoes.

Whether you're a new cook, or someone who's just looking to improve your cooking skills, by learning 5 star chef secrets, you will be able to create true culinary masterpieces. Not only that, but you will have secret restaurant recipes right at your fingertips any time you want them. So, what are you waiting for? Increase your cooking talents by learning top secret recipes of the pros and learn to cook the way the pros do. You could be making a culinary masterpiece by tonight.

Patricia Harris provides many cooking tips and cooking recipes. To find out more about the secret restaurant recipes and to learn to cook like a chef, with wonderful '5 Star Secret Recipes' visit 'Cooking Any Style' cookinganystyle.com today.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Summer Dinner Recipes - 5 Budget Meal Planning Ideas For June

When the weather heats up, the last thing you want is to be spending hours in a hot kitchen! But with a little meal planning, you can produce an array of inspiring summer dinner recipes, as well as summer picnic recipes, summer dessert recipes and healthy breakfast recipes.

Make the most of simple chicken recipes

Instead of roasting one chicken, do two oven baked whole chickens at the same time - one lot of washing up, but a number of chicken leftover meals. This month, the chicken is roasted with a garlic, orange and rosemary rub. This can be oven roasted or cooked on the barbecue. There are three great recipes for leftovers: an updated version of Chicken a la King, with roasted red bell peppers and toasted almonds or a Chicken and Pasta Bake. Then there is a delectable Phyllo Triangles recipe filled with chicken and nuts. Still in barbecue mode, there is a great Chicken Kebabs Recipe.

Give Vegetable Salad Recipes a new spin

Get creative with salads and fresh seasonal produce. There are two spinach salad recipes: one a Spinach Salad with Feta, Beetroot and Toasted Almonds (with Basil Dressing) and the other is a Warm Spinach Salad with Slivered Lamb and Roasted Butternut. You need very little lamb steak for this recipe. Similarly, you need a small amount of steak for the refreshing Beef Stir Fry Recipe - the bulk of the recipe is made up with healthy vegetables, so it is light and nutritious.

Start the day with Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Start your day with a Raspberry Smoothie Recipe or a Corn Muffin Recipe (this is also great with a barbecue). For a more decadent breakfast, you could serve Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins.

Have some Summer Picnic Recipes up your sleeve

Again, Corn Muffins are ideal for a picnic. And what about Baked Scottish Eggs or Chicken Liver Pate? A Roast Vegetable Quiche or Meatball Sub Recipe? All are easily transported and make a change from the usual sandwiches.

Summer Dessert Recipes

What would summer be without ice-cream? And more specifically ice-cream by way of Cassata Cake? You can make the most of summer berries by incorporating raspberries in the Easy Apple Crisp Recipe. And, of course, there is an easy Fruit Salad Recipe.

You can download your free meal plans and recipes at June Meal Planning. Save money, time and your sanity!

Fiona Lesley has had over 20 years of experience cooking delicious meals for family and friends alike. A teacher by profession, she brings together her years of time and money-saving tips at www.easy-meal-planning.com

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Enjoy Chicken Recipes

When it involves good and tasty food, chicken is one of the most popular choices. Whether you are dining in a high-end restaurant or eating at home on a budget you will find that chicken is one of the most versatile types of meat. Interestingly, chicken is one of those types of foods that you can add different flavors to, to create various types of dishes. Many people enjoy eating various types of chicken recipes, whether it is fried, boiled, broiled, baked, grilled, or includes a beer can. While other people are more conservative in the types of tastes they enjoy while eating chicken and will only eat a particular type of recipe.

How Versatile are Chicken Recipes?

You may wonder, how do I; cook chicken to prepare for other recipes. Well the answer is fairly simple since chicken is so versatile with its, natural mild meaty tastes. You can use so many different types of seasonings and ingredients to create anything from wholesome and quick casseroles that are sure to please the whole family to dishes such as sweet and sour chicken or curry chicken. It really just depends on what you and your family may be in the mood for when dinnertime rolls around.

You Can Please Anyone Who Loves to Eat Chicken

One of the best things about making chicken recipes is that they are so easy to make they are hearty and delicious. You will need to review any recipe you may find and then make sure to add any seasonings or ingredients to your grocery list while buying the chicken for your meal. whether you are a beginner or a famous chef, you can please anyone who loves to eat chicken. Most of the recipes you will find are easy to make and some of them even offer a real ease when it comes to clean up. Some recipes may call for several items for preparation and then again, you will find some that only use a few.

You Can Make Healthy Lean Meals with Chicken

Chicken is one of the leaner meats, which means you can make health lean meals. This type of meat is leaner than most and is one of the top choices of meats for anyone who is trying to lose weight or maintain their weight while counting calories. When you make chicken recipes, you will never have to sacrifice good taste or healthy nutrition. In fact, it is one of the number one choices for healthy eating according to many different types of popular and working diet plans today.

Thrill Your Family and Friends with a Good Hot Meal

Regardless of the season or time of year, you can thrill your family and friends with a good hot meal when you make just about any type of chicken recipe. You can find recipes that you can make in the crockpot that will save you time and money without heating up the house. You may want to try any number of recipes for grilled or barbeque chicken. Then again, you and your family may rather prefer some hot piping soups, broths or chowders as well as anything from egg rolls to dumplings.

When it comes to using chicken recipes the sky and your imagination are your only limits.

When you are in the mood for some great food, you can thoroughly enjoy different types of chicken recipes. The best chicken recipes are wholesome, nutritious, and delicious, like baked chicken rice recipe or even something from the grill like one of our many grilled chicken recipes.

BonelessChickenRecipe.com - Chicken so delightfully moist, you can almost smell it through your monitor.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Advantages of Home Cooking and a Simple Recipe to Prove the Point

With modern technology, preparing a scrumptious beef dinner is sometimes as easy as a simple search on an internet search engine, but so often recipes found on the Web are substandard as they are frequently unchecked or have mistakes in them.

In this report, we are going to teach you how to prepare a tried and tested recipe that has been served many times in our own home, 'Crescent Pie made with Beef & Cheese'. Moreover, we would like to prove to you that you do not have to visit a high priced restaurant to stimulate your taste buds. Preparing meals at home should be a truly enjoyable time both for you and your dinner guests.

Remember, there are a large number of different cuts of beef - and also unusual types of beef, like Piedmontese - so if you are confused over which cuts of beef to buy, don't hesitate to ask your butcher, they are by and large very pleased to help with your choice.

Beef is amongst the country's most loved meats, and long may it continue.

Most of us seem to get stumped on how to prepare the beef, we usually think of the boring and well-known methods; meat loaf, beef burgers, meat balls and tacos.

To save you searching, here is one beef recipe that we are very fond of, and that your whole family are sure to relish.

Crescent Pie Recipe of Beef & Cheese

You will need

2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese

600 grams of ground beef

1 cup of refrigerated rolls

1 cup of tomato sauce

1 paprika

1/4 teaspoon of garlic salt

1/4 teaspoon of salt

1 slightly beaten egg

1/3 cup of green pepper (chopped)

1 cup of green beans (drained)

1/3 cup onion (chopped)


Set the oven at 190 degree C.

Cook the beef until brown in a large frying pan with green pepper and onion, and then drain.

Include beans, tomato sauce, salt and garlic salt, and then mix. Allow to simmer as the crust is prepared.

Cut crescent dough to eight triangular shapes.

Put the triangles in a 9-inch ungreased pie pan, and then form crust by pressing over the bottom and up sides.

Add and spread the slightly beaten egg and 1 cup of cheese on the crust.

Using a spoon, insert the hot mixture of meat into the crust.

Use the rest of cheese and paprika to sprinkle over.

Place in the preheated oven until golden brown for 20 to 25 minutes.

Serves 5

Want to try some easy recipes?, then try looking on the Internet, where you will discover some internet sites providing recipe collections with recipe categories including healthy recipes and vegetarian recipes that are easy to make and yummy to boot.

Want to try some easy recipes?, then try looking on the Internet, where you will discover some internet sites providing recipe collections with recipe categories including healthy recipes and vegetarian recipes that are easy to make and yummy to boot. If you are trying to cut down on meat, try searching on-line for vegan or vegetarian recipes.

In these busy days, dining together is frequently the only chance that we get to have a chat with our close family and we truly should strive to take advantage of the opportunity.

When asked, the majority of families think that the family kitchen should be the beating heart of the home, and it is an obvious, but true, statement that home cooking is a great social bonding experience.

Preparing meals at home with your loved ones will strengthen your family group.

If you are dieting, there are plenty of healthy recipes online if you search for them.

Delight in the event and take pleasure in the hours you have with your family.

Roger Wakefield works as a a copywriter and web developer who offers dietary advice for Recipe Ideas, which has more than 60,000 recipes with specific recipe sections for Fish recipes, Healthy recipes and many more.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Makes a Great Recipe?

The main difference between a great recipe and a bad recipe is the combination of ingredients you use to make it. Getting the amounts of each ingredient correct is also vital if you want the meal to be a success. If you add too much of something it can upset the flavor balance. Perhaps some dried oregano is a good idea if you are making an Italian recipe but half a teaspoon of dried oregano might be enough. If you throw in a whole packet, it will make the dish taste bad, so be careful how much of each ingredient you use.

Anyone who has ever looked in his or her refrigerator and then flipped frantically through every cookbook in the house searching for a recipe by ingredients that they happen to have on hand has pondered the question of just what exactly makes for a great dish. Improvisation has a place in the kitchen and this has been the origin of many great recipes.

Give The Cookbooks A Rest

However, cooks now have many other resources available to them and while there, certainly are still many occasions when people look at what they have in their pantries already and decide to do a recipe search by ingredient, the World Wide Web offers a simpler and much faster way. The net has enabled information sharing between individuals and organizations on a global scale, with innovations like recipe directory sites now available to help cooks find recipes much more easily.

How Simple, Exactly?

Maybe you find a block of feta cheese, some parsley and a couple of eggplants in the refrigerator; of course you must be able to make some kind of Mediterranean recipe with those ingredients - but what, exactly? This is where you find a recipe search engine very useful. You can search for recipes by using the ingredients you want to use as keywords for your search.

So if you have the ingredients listed above, you may pull up something like the Turkish stuffed eggplant recipe called imam bayaldi; you see that you will also need tomatoes, olive oil and some bell peppers. Supposing that you have these ingredients handy, which you probably do, and then you can get started on dinner! At the very worst, you can simplify a trip to the market, since you now know exactly what you need to get there.

It goes without saying that experimenting in the kitchen is still a good idea; you can look for recipes to inspire you to make your very own cooking creations or simply to fire up your imagination for some new recipes of your own creation. It all depends on what you use and your own creativity in the kitchen.

So to answer the question of what makes a great recipe, it is all about the ingredients or more precisely, knowing what ingredients work together and how to skillfully combine them to create something truly great. We all have our culinary missteps from time to time, but you should not let them discourage you. When you have lots of different ingredients to use but you do not know what to make with them, you can open your browser and try a recipe search by ingredient in order to find a new dish, using the ingredients you have on hand in your kitchen. The results may pleasantly surprise you and everyone else at your dinner table!

Good food and plenty of it is a necessity rather than a choice and being the mother of four boys I know that only too well. That is the reason I started Recipe Directory. Eating the same food all the time can be really boring and it is useful to have a resource for meal inspiration. Cookbooks can work out expensive and there might only be one or two meals in there that appeal to you, so being able to do a recipe search by ingredient is a much better idea.

The Best Recipe Search Go to: http://www.RecipeDirectory.org

Copyright (c) 2009 Christine Szalay Kudra

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eating Healthy and Staying Fit With the Perfect Recipes

Eating everything you want and staying fit used to be a contradiction because you just couldn't eat anything you craved for and stay in great shape as well. It's not impossible anymore. Specialists have developed methods to make you look great and feel healthy even if you eat food you were not normally allowed to in the past. What's the secret? You have to stick to a steady schedule, use good recipes to cook and exercise from time to time. Nutritionists have come up with programs that allow you to eat as much as you like without gaining one pound by teaching you to live a happy healthy life. You can now forget the starvation method and the holding back from food frustrations and just stay slim having a normal life.

Many people go on a diet when they think they are too fat, but this isn't necessarily a good idea because once you finish the diet you will most likely go back to your old habits and gain pounds again. The fat will build up a lot faster and you will be more disappointed because of your long term past efforts. The best thing is to be in a constant diet, not a severe one (like fasting), but holding back from different types of food that aren't nutritious and very fattening. This kind of food is usually the junk food and fast food. Even though a hamburger might make you feel full and satisfied, it actually doesn't feed your body like it should and it's full of fattening agents. Junk food like chips, chocolate bars and other type of sweets share the same story as fast food. So a good diet is the no junk food diet which means more health for you.

The worst diet possible is the starvation method. You will probably loose some weight, but you will also destroy your stomach in doing so. If you really want to start a good diet, all you have to do is create an organized schedule for yourself and stick to it. First of all you need to give up all the fast food and any food you order through the telephone and start eating some cooked at home food made according to healthy recipes. Even if you are not a professional cook you can enjoy your activity and turn it into a real beneficial experience which can't go wrong with detailed recipes.

What are the best recipes for a diet? It's difficult to say what recipes are more efficient because other factors have to be taken into consideration (your body and how it responds to different foods, how active you are and so on and so forth). Any of the recipes you have might be good for a diet if you take out the fattening ingredients. Of course there are some recipes that just aren't appropriate for a diet, like anything that involves pork and gravy. Pork is very high in cholesterol so it will stack up making you ill and you will get to see the results on your own body. The best type of meat for a diet is chicken and fish. You should look for any recipes with chicken and especially for the ones based on grilled chicken. Another type of meat you can eat without any problem is fish and there are a lot of recipes for cooking fish.

Beside the fact that it's nurturing and lacks fats, fish meat is very high in phosphorus which is great for the body. Recipes that keep the fish as natural as possible without cooking it to much are the most popular and the most nourishing. Sushi is a great idea if the raw fish doesn't bother you. Another important suggestion for a diet is to eat greens. Add vegetables to any of the recipes you like. They won't compromise the taste of any food and might even make it better. A secret to destroy as few of the vitamins contained in vegetables and fruit is not to boil or cook them too much because they will lose their proprieties. In fact, it's better to eat them as raw as possible. If you cook chicken, you can always add a raw salad to it. The recipes usually give indications on how the salad should be a little soured with vinegar because the chicken is sweet and this way you can balance the flavors. You need to know what you can and can't eat. You can't have pork so you have to avoid recipes involving pork, but any natural food (especially vegetable and fruit) is preferred to the artificial and full of chemicals products on the market.

After you've decided what you would like to eat you have to imagine what you would like it to taste like. For example chicken or beef is very sweet, but not all recipes containing these ingredients are sweet. You can make it hot, sour and salty or whatever you like it to be. You can always look for a recipe on the internet, but trying to cook something that a chef recommends is not advised at first because you will probably fail. All recipes can be modified to your own liking.

Alcohol is a very important thing in healthy eating. A lot of recipes contain alcohol, especially wine. Alcohol is an ingredient which (in small quantities) helps the blood move faster. Another one of its properties is the power to break down food particles faster and most importantly to break down fats. That is why after the meal a small quantity of alcohol is recommended - to help in the digestion of the food.

A lot of people complain they don't have the recipes too cook the food they want and they resort to eating out. You don't need very elaborate recipes to enjoy a wonderful, healthy meal and the Internet has all the food information you need. With a little bit of imagination which can sometimes turn into passion and a website with recipes, you can be a healthy individual without appealing to any diet. Although healthy food has always been important ("We are what we eat"), people tend to forget that. They are afraid that healthy food isn't as tasty as junk food, but they are wrong. With the appropriate recipes and ingredients you will see for yourself that healthy food is the best food: nurturing, tasty and non-fattening.

If you are interested in finding the perfect recipes for your healthy body without trying an exhausting diet, please visit this site. It has everything you need to cook the tasty food you want.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Juicing Recipe - Ready, Steady, Juice!

Many manufacturers of superb juicers fail to add a juicing recipe booklet to the documentation accompanying their product.

In spite of all their design know-how, they fail to grasp the importance of this small, vital detail. A newbie when it comes to juicing, may have no idea how to go about making all these wonderful concoctions, with the seemingly magical properties.

Experimentation is the keyword here. However, if you prefer some sort of nudge in the right direction, there are many comprehensive juicing recipe books available.

A juicing recipe book to start with is 'Juice!: Over 110 Delicious Recipes' by Lindsay Cameron Wilson and Pippa Cuthbert.

If you want to know when to drink what for the best results, this is the book for you. The authors also include recipes for detoxifying juices. The book has some colour photographs, and an indication of nutritional values are given.

Gary Null's 'The Joy Of Juicing' with 50 health-building recipes is another juicing recipe book worth looking at. It includes the whole range from drinks to desserts, and will put you firmly on the road to new vitality. He will even tell you how you can utilize the pulpy residue of juicing. The emphasis in this book isn't on the 'why' of juicing. It is written as a cookbook.

Also experiment with 100 tasty recipe ideas in 'Juiceman's Power of Juicing' by Jay Kordich, the master of juicing. With more than 50 years of juicing behind him, he knows his stuff!

Or consider keeping 'Ultimate Juicing: Delicious Recipes For Over 125 Of The Best Fruit And Vegetable Juice Combinations' by Donna Pliner Rodnitzky, next to your juicer.

The entertaining recipes are easy to prepare. Some of the great-tasting treats are Adam's Apple, Berry the Hatchet, The Beet Goes On, Grin and Carrot, and Heard It Through the Grapefruit.

The book includes information about nutritional values, as well as the selection, preparation, and storage of produce. These factors not only contribute to the juice quality, but your taste-buds will appreciate it if you take good care of the fruit and veggies.

While you are waiting for your juicing recipe books, you need some sustenance! Start with the basics such as carrots, celery, cucumber, beet, parsley, and apples. The green leafy vegetables have a stronger flavor and can be introduced gradually.

If you have access to it, organic produce should always be your first choice. Otherwise, make very sure that you wash the fruit and vegetables well.

A juicing recipe to get you going is:

Newbie Nectar

2 apples

6 carrots

1 rib of celery

4 sprigs parsley

Another combination could be 2 apples, 6 carrots and 1 beet. You can also add a few lettuce leaves, and some spinach. If available, strawberries combine well with carrots.

Use the following as a wonderfully cleansing drink (beet has a fairly strong taste and should be used sparingly):

Free And Clear

5 carrots

1/2 cucumber

1/2 beet

1 rib celery

If you need a pick-me-up, try the following:


3 oz. spinach

half a de-seeded yellow pepper

2 apples

1 large or 2 medium carrots

3 sprigs parsley

Try adding some cranberries to your juicing recipe, if you like the slight tartness. This is a good way to prevent urinary tract infections.

Shredded coconut can be added for a touch of extra flavor, and sweetness. Also experiment with a sprinkle of nutmeg for a piquant new taste.

Wheat grass juice is exceptionally rich in nutrients, but it takes some getting used to. Add only a little at a time to other juices, if you want to incorporate it into your diet.

Always drink the juice as soon as possible. You loose nutritional value with every hour it stands. Drink the juices slowly, in a sense chewing it. Your tastebuds will quickly teach you which combinations are agreeable to your palate.

Some vegetables are not tolerated well in concentrated form, or in large quantities. Your body will give you notice of these! Spinach are not always metabolized well, and shouldn't be used on a daily basis.

Remember, if you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy, nursing or have any health concern, it is recommended that you first consult a medical practitioner to get the green light for your juicing program. In the case of small children, the same suggestion holds true.

The main idea is that you have fun with the learning process. There is no right or wrong way to do this. You do whatever works for you. Just keep on juicing!

Rika Susan of Best-Juicing.com is a freelance writer, focusing on health and nutrition articles. She is also the author of '35 Frequently Asked Juicing Questions Answered!' which you can download along with your free juicer recipe ebook at Best-Juicing.com/free-recipes.php

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Have You Tried Scrapbooking Recipes?

Have you seen the new scrapbooking supplies for recipe albums? Local craft stores are responding to the new trend of scrapbooking recipes. You can find albums with a recipe theme, as well as stickers, paper and embellishments to complement the scrapbook. The main thought behind scrapbooking recipes is the same as using photos and memories. We want to preserve the recipes for future generations. However, recipe albums are very popular as gift items as well. Some scrapbookers are even using them in their kitchens as cookbooks.

To begin designing a recipe scrapbook you need to think about your purpose for creating it. Will this be an album documenting family recipes handed down from generation to generation? Or are you creating an album to give as a gift? If this is a recipe album meant to be used in the kitchen, you also may approach the design differently and choose a scrapbook that will be more durable. Albums come in a variety of sizes including, 4x6, 5x7 and 12x12 inches. Choose the one that will best fit your goal for scrapbooking recipes.

Decide whether or not this will be a gift album. You may not want to use the original recipe card written by your great-grandmother in a gift recipe scrapbook. You still could make the recipes personal by writing the ingredients and instructions in your own handwriting instead of a computer font. Recipe albums make welcome gifts for weddings, graduations, Christmas or housewarming gifts.

Which recipes to choose will depend on your goal for the album. You may want to use quick and easy recipes for a graduation gift. Holiday favorites would be ideal for a Christmas gift. You could also narrow down the recipe choices to just desserts, soups, main dishes or family favorites.

When you begin to design your recipe album decide if you want to keep the same layout format for each page and if you will coordinate the embellishments on each page. You may want to keep the album with an overall uniform look, or have each individual page have a unique look.

You can use recipe cards or journaling blocks for the ingredients and instructions. You may also want to include a photo of the dish or a picture of the person who gave you the recipe. Consider adding comments about why you love the dish or opinions from your family on why it is one of their favorites. Try journaling about the history of the recipe or any special memories you have about it. Making the album personal is what scrapbooking is all about.

Scrapbooking recipes doesn't have to be limited to a recipe album. Think about including recipes in other scrapbooks. Highlight the recipe for witch's brew on a Halloween page layout. Recipes on Thanksgiving pages are an obvious choice. Include your secret recipe for perfect gravy. How about including the recipes for the dinner you made for your husband on your first Valentine's Day? You can also include your grandmother's apple pie recipe on a page all about your memories of her. Food is a big part of our lives, and recipes are a natural page element for scrapbooks. Think about creating a recipe album as craft project or add a recipe to your next page layout. Be a part of latest scrapbooking trend and pull out your recipe cards.

Christine Perry is an avid scrapbooker and has over 10 years of scrapbooking experience. Her favorite scrapbooking subjects are her reluctant teenagers. She invites you to her website, http://www.intoscrapbooking.com for more scrapbooking tips and scrapbooking recipes ideas.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Free Online Recipes

One reason people love the internet is due to the incredibly quick and pain-free way you can access information. Within seconds, you can access a wealth of information regarding almost any topic imaginable. While the majority of us don't utilize the internet for heavy duty research, one way almost anyone can enjoy the convenience and power of the internet is by locating free online recipes.

Just 15 years ago it didn't seem possible that in the near future, millions of recipes covering almost every kind of food would be readily available to anyone with a computer and an internet connection. The future has arrived so here are several ways to take advantage of free online recipes.

Without a doubt the free online recipes are extremely handy because you can pull up a recipe in a matter of seconds. While many use a search engine like Google, most people often have their preferred recipe websites that include vast databases of recipes. Simply input a key word or keyword phrase like "chili" or "chicken soup" and you will generally find several to dozens of flavorful recipes.

In addition to being easy to access, a lot of recipe websites are full of people that enjoy cooking, have their own favorite recipes and enjoy adding recipes to the database for others to use. These community recipe websites are an excellent way to share knowledge. In addition, the majority of recipe websites offer those that use recipes on the board to add comments. So whether you like a recipe or you didn't like it, you can easily share your comments with others. This is a great way to try out a recipe (especially if many people liked it) or avoid it the recipe if it received bad reviews.

In addition to being able to read recipes on your computer screen, many cooks take it one step further- they print out their favorite recipes. It is extremely easy to print out recipes and many free online recipe sites offer the option of special recipe formatted files which make it a snap to print out your favorite recipes. This way you no longer have to worry about ruining the recipe card while you cook or misplacing it. If you spill something on it, you can effortlessly print it out again.

top of all these advantages, a lot of free online recipe sites have gone one step further in providing quality information on how to make specific meals. Many free online recipe sites now provide images and some even include videos showing you step by step how to prepare a moderate to difficult dish.

Free online recipe web sites are perhaps the quickest way to locate new recipes, read reviews, and chat about the latest or best techniques on cooking and sharing with the world your favorite or time honored family recipe. Free online recipe websites are definitely the ultimate home recipe box.

For a large collection of family friendly free online recipes visit http://www.dinewithoutwhine.com/archives.htm

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baked Sales Recipes Like Grandma Used to Make

When I think about bake sale recipes I think of homemade desserts made with the freshest ingredients and made mostly by my grandmother. These are recipes that I've loved and cherished over the years because they were my grandmother's original recipes from her personal collection.

Remember when your grandmother used to make her famous desserts for potluck and for the church annual bake sale? What about recipes she made for club meetings and when the minister came over for Sunday dinner. Remember those recipes?

Bake sales recipes were once big in the South and were generally passed down from one generation to the next. The problem is that it's really hard to come across such a collection.

When I was a young girl, I remember climbing in the kitchen chair and watching my grandmother put together her famous desserts. She measured ingredients, sifted ingredients and stirred them all together in a large bowl. At the time, I didn't know exactly what she was mixing together and I never thought that one day these recipes would be part of a treasured collection that would be enjoyed for years to come.

These recipes were not just lying around the house. And many of these recipes were not even written down, but were verbally exchanged so if the owner passed away, then it was almost impossible to get these really good recipes. Well, I guess I was among the lucky ones. Before my grandmother died, she gave some of her most treasured recipes to my mother who eventually shared them with my older sister and I.

Today I am going to share with you two of my grandmother's favorite recipes that she used to make for her church bake sale.

Cinnamon Pound Cake

Recipe Excerpt from Soul Food Lovers' Cookbook

copyright 2007 by Cassandra Harrell

2 sticks margarine, softened

2 c. sugar

3 eggs

1 tsp. baking powder

2 c. flour

1/2 pt. sour cream

1 tsp. Vanilla extract

1/2 c. pecans, chopped

1 tsp. cinnamon

4 tbsp. brown sugar

In a large bowl, cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add baking powder, flour, sour cream and vanilla. Mix well. Put half the batter in a greased and floured tube pan. In a small bowl, mix pecans, cinnamon and brown sugar together. Sprinkle cinnamon mixture over batter; then add rest of the batter. Bake at 325 degrees for about 55 to 65 minutes.

Recipe Note: This recipe is very old, yet very delicious. It fills the kitchen with a wonderful aroma of cinnamon and brown sugar. This recipe brings back such fond memories of my grandmother. Absolutely delicious. You must try it!

Southern Apple Torte

Recipe Excerpt from Soul Food Lovers' Cookbook

copyright 2007 by Cassandra Harrell

1 cup margarine

2/3 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups flour

1 egg yolk

Cream margarine and sugar, add vanilla and egg yolk. Blend in flour; mix well. Spread dough into bottom and lower sides of a 9 X 13-inch pan. Baked at 350 degrees until light brown.

In Separate Bowl:

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 cup sugar

2 (8-ounce) pkg. cream cheese, softened

Combine cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and eggs. Mix Well. Pour into baked crust.


2 to 3 medium apples, peeled and thinly sliced

2/3 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Place apples over cream cheese layer. Combine sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle over cream cheese mixture. Baked at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool. Substitution: 1 can pie apples.

Recipe Note: This is one of my favorite desserts to make. This is a well put together dessert that is extremely good and it goes well for any occasion.

Cassandra Harrell is an avid soul food lover and author of Soul Food Lovers' Cookbook. The book includes her grandmother's recipe collection along with other family treasures. Her website http://www.soul-food-advisor.com is among the 5 Top Soul Food Recipe Websites according to Associated Content.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baking Traditions - What Happens to Lost Recipes

Do you having baking traditions in your family? Is there one thing that you always bake together during a holiday? Is there one recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation? Have you shared those traditions and recipes with anyone?

This is a subject that really hits home for me because I lost some of our family recipes recently. It made me think about what happens to a recipe if no one knows about it or cares about where it goes. Nothing happens to it. It is lost to the world and may never be found again. What a truly tragic end for a great recipe (especially a baking recipe!). A wonderful cookie, pie, or cake is never made again. I really love sweets so this truly brings a tear to my eye!

A recipe is a gift. A gift of love. A gift of time and effort. A gift that can keep on giving because each time you make it, you enjoy it again. It is not only a gift from the person who created the recipe but also a gift from the person who gave it to you. Treasure those gifts and share them. A recipe and story shared is worth more than one just sitting in your recipe box. Perhaps you are waiting for just the right person or time to share it. I have been guilty of that one myself. But a recipe that isn't shared is nothing but a piece of paper in box. It means nothing to anyone but you unless it is shared with someone else.

So how do you make sure your recipes and baking traditions are not lost?

Write them down. Of course your recipes are already written down in some form or another. But what about the funny family story or family baking tradition that goes with it? Make sure that story gets written down too.

Make sure someone in your family knows that this recipe and this family baking tradition are important to you. Make sure that they know you want it to be passed on in the family. No one will know how important it is to you unless you tell them. (So speak up!)

And last but not least, your baking assignment (should you choose to accept it) is to share one of your baking recipes (and the story that goes with it) this week with someone. Who knows, you may just start a baking tradition for that person and their family. And what better way is there to honor the gift of that recipe?

Happy Baking!

Jill Seader is the founder of Your Baking Story ? Baking Recipes. Her website shares her baking stories and recipes and also allows visitors to share their own baking stories and recipes. Come visit and share your own stories.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cake Recipes - What Are the Best Cake Recipes in the World?

This text will continue the topic of cakes and cake recipes. In my last two articles I have written about the best cake recipes in Poland. This time I will give you some examples of the best cake recipes from the world. As always I will be writing about cakes that are cheap, tasty and easy to prepare. So read this text to the end and I'm sure that you will like the information included in it.

The first cake that I would like to present comes from Germany. It's chocolate cake that is very tasty. A lot of people adore this cake. The German chocolate cake recipe includes cocoa, hot water, butter or margarine, sugar, eggs, flour, soda, buttermilk or clabber. It's very special, because it tastes like chocolate, but you don't add chocolate to it. You can also add some additions like caramel and other things. As you can see the ingredients are also very cheap and the cake is also very easy to prepare.

The next cake is very popular in the world (especially in Europe). It's French cake. There are lots of French cake recipes. There are lots of opinions that French cake is difficult to prepare. In fact it only takes a lot of time to prepare because you have to wait for 12 hours, but the process is very easy. I think that French cake is a good dessert. Here you can find ingredients that are included in all French cake recipes. These ingredients are cold water, salt, butter and flour. They are also very cheap. In my opinion you should try to prepare this cake. I recommend it.

The next cake recipe that I would like to describe comes from Spain. It's called very simple - Spanish cake. It's very cheap cake and you can prepare it very fast. It's worth it, because its taste is fantastic. You can prepare Spanish cake by using such ingredients as eggs, flour, sugar, baking powder and vinegar. You also have to make a special flock (some kind of cream). You don't need expensive ingredients for flock. You need milk, butter, eggs, tidbits, nuts, chocolate, coffee and spirit. The cake is tasty and there are many different Spanish cake recipes, so you can use other ingredients than these presented in this article.

That's all I wanted to write about the best cake recipes in the world. I hope these facts were interesting for you. I hope you are going to try cakes that I described in this text. Maybe you will look for recipes for other cakes from the world. I hope you have enjoyed this article. Please be very patient and very soon I will write more culinary articles. I hope that you are going to read them. I believe that they will be very interesting for you and they will give you some important culinary information.

View thousands of recipes. Sign up and gain access to your special cookbook collection, cooking tips and recipes. Free Recipes Toolbar for healthy recipes, cake recipes, chicken recipes, easy recipes, food recipes and other recipes.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Looking For Copy Cat Restaurant Recipes

When you want to enthrall your guests, family and friends with stunning meals for your next dinner party, what you should do is look for copy cat restaurant recipes. This will give you the best tasting food around, so that you can easily impress everyone you know.

When you have lots of parties and want to give your guests wonderful food then you should look for these recipes online. There are tons of websites that are designed to offer you step by step instructions for some of the best recipes from restaurants all over the world.

If you have a specific meal in mind or you just love a certain item on the menu of your favorite restaurant you can easily copy this and make your party a success. These recipes are not always complicated either. You don't have to be a good chef or cook to follow them and make them work.

You can even add your own spin on them if you are feeling confident enough. When you are looking for these copy cat recipes you should start by looking online. You should have a certain meal in mind from a restaurant and then look for that one. You can of course just randomly choose a recipe that you come across on these restaurant recipes websites.

All of them are guaranteed to be a hit with your guests and all you have to do to make sure that everything comes out right is to follow the recipes exactly. You can use all different websites for finding these recipes, but you can also have a look at certain ebooks and other sources.

Most of the restaurant recipes can also be used if you want to start a catering company. Some of the recipes are perfect for large numbers of people which means that you can offer to do weddings and birthday parties.

There are lots of places that you can use these recipes and you can easily learn your favorite recipes and change them a little to suit your style. With these recipes you can create your own restaurant as well. You just have to make sure that if you do this you don't use the recipes as they are. You want to make sure that they are different and unique, but you can use your favorite recipes as a base for making your own ones.

There are many reasons that you can think of to find these copy cat restaurant recipes and they are not that hard to find either. All you need to do is use the search engines to search for copy cat recipes and you will find a huge number of websites that you can use to help you find the perfect ones to make your party, catering company, or restaurant a success.

Now, you might be worried about using someone else's recipes, but this is why you should change them a bit. You don't have to be a genius at cooking to do this. It can be something very simple, but you can also use the recipes as they are if you just want to create a top quality meal for private use.

Chris George is an expert reviewer of easy methods to make copy cat restaurant recipes. To learn to cook all your popular restaurant recipes check out my website.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

3 Mouthwatering and Simple Paleo Chicken Recipe Ideas

The number of Paleo diet followers is increasing tremendously and the need for new recipes is a reality. Most people have busy and stressful lifestyles where time to cook complicated meals is not always available, therefore fast and easy Paleo meals are most wanted.

There are several sources of Paleo recipes on the internet, forums and through cookbooks. Usually people use their personal touch to make a difference and make up new, but still delicious and healthy recipes.

Chicken is one of the preferred foods in the Paleo diet. With fully Paleo characteristics, chicken is used in a large number of Paleo recipes. Tasty and easy to cook in several ways, it can be used in almost every meal type. Whether it is a breakfast, main dish, salad or side dish, there is an infinite number of ways to cook chicken by adding extra ingredients that will give extra flavor to it.

Chicken and egg salad with almond satay sauce is one of the most common chicken Paleo recipes. Besides having chicken, it has eggs which are an excellent source of proteins, almonds and coconut cream that are fully Paleo foods and good alternatives to dairy products. With all the needed ingredients to be used as a main dish, this Paleo chicken recipe can also be used as a side dish. Very easy to prepare, this healthy recipe will please grown-ups and children.

Another tasty and easy to make recipe with only seven ingredients is the chicken breasts piquant. Paprika, onion, lemon and pepper are among the ingredients. Like most Paleo recipes, this chicken recipe has two ingredients that are used in almost every Paleo recipes, they are garlic and onion. If you take a look at cookbooks or online recipes you will notice that several versions of the chicken breasts piquant can be found. Each person introduces a personal touch by adding a little spoon of honey or green peppers or even another ingredient and the final recipe will be a still tasty recipe.

As you might have noticed, one of the preferred ingredients of the Paleo diet is coconut milk. Coconut milk is rich in calcium and it is an excellent substitute of dairy products which are not allowed in the Paleo diet. Combining coconut milk with chicken and adding curry we get the perfect recipe. Thai coconut chicken curry combines the sweetness of the coconut full fat milk with the slightly bitter curry taste. Whether using yellow, red or green curry paste, the recipe will be delicious either way. Some add-ons can be included like a bundle of asparagus turning the recipe into a more attractive and delicious one.

Definitely, the number of tasty and exquisite Paleo chicken recipes is huge and it is very difficult to select only two or three and say: these are the best ones. The secret is picking up one chicken Paleo recipe and make unique new recipes by changing the ingredients and adding new ones. A teaspoon of a new ingredient can turn a normal recipe into an exotic and amazingly tasty meal.

Get more simple Paleo chicken recipe ideas and learn how you can get hundreds more delicious Paleo recipes at http://www.thepaleodietrecipesblog.com/

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Copycat Restaurant Recipes - Surprisingly Romantic

Picture it: the perfect romantic evening. The crystal is set, candles lit, your grandmother's best silverware and china grace the table. You chose the flowers and music carefully, and the table is set up next to the sliding glass doors that overlook the deck. Outside, a wonderland of artificial twinkling minilights leads out to a velvet-black sky set with stars.

Only one thing is missing: his stupid cheese sticks, a favorite from your first date at Chili's. And your more sophisticated stuffed mushrooms from the Olive Garden's appetizer menu. And, well, a decent main dish. Your answer: copycat restaurant recipes. The really good news: you can find these recipes online in a variety of places.

There are people, from gourmands to home chefs, who spend a great deal of time figuring out the ingredients to recipes like On The Border's cheese dip, and then post them for free online. So start with the Internet, and look up a few of your favorites.

While this sounds like hard work - duplicating the efforts of professional chefs for your own home uses - just a few simple rules will make cooking copycat restaurant recipes a piece of cake.


Make sure that the recipes you find really are the classic favorites you remember from the recipe. While there are tons of these recipes online. you'll quickly find that the ingredients vary widely, and some of the copycat restaurant recipes are no good at all.

Others, however, are spot-on, or eve a little better than the original recipes. And choose them carefully; Olive Garden restaurant recipes are among the easiest to duplicate and hardest to ruin, for example, while Outback Steakhouse recipes are perfect for outdoor grilling.

Instead of just picking out random copycat restaurant recipes to try, use a reviewed recipe that someone else has tried out, so you know that at least two people approve of the recipe. These sites are a little harder to find, but they are out there. Then do a dry run of the recipe before your big night. That way, you know all the pitfalls, and you can taste the results yourself and even make modifications if necessary.


One of the big tricks used by restaurants is to only use the freshest possible ingredients. This does two things: it removes all the sodium and other preservatives that are found in frozen and canned foods, and it gives you a pure, healthy, fresh-tasting base for all your recipes. This means you must do your shopping the night before, and be extremely picky.


To make sure the rest of your night goes well, do some pre-prep on your copycat restaurant recipes. Put together sauces and dishes, chop your veggies and store them (in water, if they're hard veggies like potatoes, celery, or carrots) in sealed containers in the fridge.

The more stuff you have done ahead of time, the better everything else does. Try to have enough time to take a quick shower before dinner. You'd be surprised how much food odor your hair can pick up!

Once your dinner is together, you can drape yourself in a peignoir or whatever floats your boat - nothing is fine - and have a lovely dinner, in private, with your restaurant favorites inside, the sparkling lights and stars outside, and each other for dessert. All thanks to your copycat restaurant recipes!

Mark Neustedt is the founder of CB-Product-Reviews.com and after reviewing more than 25 Secret Restaurant Recipe [http://www.secretrecipes.cb-product-reviews.com] Products reveals the top 3.

Discover how you can easily cook these very same Secret Restaurant Recipes [http://www.secretrecipes.cb-product-reviews.com] in your own home.

Be Fit with Diabetic Recipes

Having diabetes can certainly limit some of the food you would want to eat, but with the right Diabetic Recipes you can still enjoy great food. To be absolutely sure about what to eat and what not to eat, you and your dietitian should work together to design a meal plan that's right for you and includes foods that you enjoy. A diabetes diet meal plan is a guide that tells you how much and what kinds of food you can choose to eat at meals and snack times. Keep in mind that while many Recipes for Diabetics are fairly simple and fast to make, some may be more complex and take longer. It is important to gather the right diabetic supplies when planning your recipes.

Fortunately, there is most definitely a Diabetic Recipe of your favorite food. For example, because of the high sugar content of most desserts, many diabetics felt that they would have to give them up. However, there are many Diabetic Dessert Recipes that will be safe diabetics to eat. There are also many diabetic safe breads, salads, sandwiches, appetizers, and any other food category you can think of. If you have diabetes and don't want to give up your favorite foods, try a safe Recipe for Diabetics instead, such as a diabetic cake recipe or a diabetic cookie recipe.

For those who are living with diabetics or watching their weight, there are some fairly simple things that you can alter in many of your current recipes to make safe and healthy Diabetic Recipes? If you have diabetes or are worried about getting it, you can remove foods that have a high glycemic index or that might contribute to heart disease, from your daily diet.

Some of these recipes may incorporate small amounts of refined sugar per serving, while some may be Sugar free Recipes. Recipes with refined sugar may not be suitable for all people with diabetes. Check with your physician or registered dietitian, or nutritionist on how to incorporate these recipes into your daily meal plan. Some recipes may also be high in fiber (i.e. more than 5 grams). For some diabetics, carbohydrates from fiber sources may have a more blunted effect on their blood glucose levels. Your Healthcare Provider will be the best person to tell you whether or not you need to adjust your insulin to carbohydrate ratio if much of the carbohydrate you're eating is fiber.

In particular, foods such as potatoes, corn, refined white flour products (pasta, noodles, pastries, cakes) should be reduced or avoided completely in Diabetic Recipes. In addition, certain types of fat are particularly unhealthy for the diabetic including hydrogenated oils or fats (trans fats) which have actually been associated with the development of diabetes. Animal fats such as butter, full fat cheeses and other dairy products should be reduced and low fat or non-fat products used instead.

The major change to food to make them a Recipe for Diabetics is to remove any fat except olive oil, to remove all sugar and use sugar substitutes, to add fiber, and use lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Now of course you've heard all of this before and maybe it's boring but if you want to keep yourself or your diabetic relative/partner healthy, then these are the basics.

In a Diabetic Recipe, you want to use low glycemic foods such as most vegetables, fish, low fat meats and dairy products. Fish, in particular, is a very healthy food for the diabetic because of the high percentage of DHA fatty acids found in them. Wild caught salmon and sardines are best. These fish, when eaten a couple of times per week help to prevent heart disease and prostate cancer. A recent study done in Japan showed that people whose main protein food is fish, have a very low rate of heart disease.

Beans and other legumes, such as lentils are excellent foods for diabetics. Add some vegetables and you'll have a great vegetarian chili. For protein, you can add tofu when cooking or a bit of low fat cheese when you serve it. Vegetables to include in Recipes for Diabetics are chard, kale, spinach, lettuce (especially romaine), celery, cucumber and most vegetables. Salads are very healthful; use olive oil in the dressing with lemon or vinegar and any herbs or spices that you like.

With these helpful hints, I hope you will be able to make your Diabetic Recipes more delicious and interesting. Wish you a great life!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chinese Cooking Recipes - Ramen and La Mian - What the Difference is and Why It's So Popular

I am sure most of us have heard of ramen but did you know it started as la mian in Chinese cooking recipes? Ramen is that small packet of deep fried noodles that has been dried and packaged as a type of soup in our grocery store. It is also the main staple of many college kids diet.

La Mian Origins

There are many recipes for Chinese noodles. La mian literally translates into pulling noodles in Chinese and has one significant difference to ramen. La mian noodles are pulled and stretched to form a noodle. La mian is a staple of Chinese food and used very frequently in their dishes.

Ramen Origins

Ramen is a Japanese version of la mian that has been changed from the original Chinese cooking recipes for the Japanese pallet. The dish consists of noodles but they are cut rather than pulled and the broth they sit in has a different flavor than the Chinese broths.

Chinese Soups

The Chinese cooking recipes for la mian usually calls for beef or mutton-flavored soups. These soups, unlike the Japanese, can be compared to a generic soup. The noodles, vegetables and other flavorings are what create the dish and can vary greatly between different Chinese cooking recipes.

Japanese Soups

Japanese soups are typically made from chicken or pork stocks. Japanese soups fall into one of four main categories.

Shio - Salt soup

Tonkotsu - Pork bone soup

Shoyu - A combination of chicken and vegetable stock

Miso - Created with fermenting rice, barley, soybeans with salt and a particular type of fungus.

Why It's So Popular

La mien was just as popular as every other Chinese noodle recipe because the Chinese have so many recipes that include many different types of noodles. It became a street food and migrated to Japan where they loved the Chinese cooking recipes. Ramen was born for speed and convenience as the Japanese adapted the noodle recipe.

More Noodle Recipes

Chinese cooking recipes include a lot of noodle dishes as noodles are the main staple food for the Chinese, much as rice is for the Japanese. There are many Chinese cooking recipes from hot meals to serve your family to cool noodle dishes keeping you cool in the summer. To get more recipes and information please take a few moments to visit http://www.squidoo.com/chinese-cooking-recipes-the-best-places-for-recipes-of-chinese-cooking.