Saturday, October 16, 2010

Five great tips to save more on Grocery Shopping

Messages can be fun if you useful tips and ideas to ease the burden, but not your wallet.

[1] clean the refrigerator for shopping. Take a close look at the food that you already have. As the fresh products from the past with a salad, plan a meal in a cooking recipe.Ninety-five percent of wilted products can be used in stock, stews and not wasting a sauce., use it!

[2] plan your meal around the weekly sales in your local stores.If you had steak on your list, but chicken on sale for half price is buy the hen. When you see something you per week and it is for sale, buy as much as your money and freezer will keep it. Even fresh products for cooking later will freeze.

[3] an inventory of your goods and trade. you do not want to end up as I agree with 4 yellow cake mixes and 6 cans of maize (corn), when your favorite chocolate cake and peas for dinner. Keeping a running list of onhands from the pantry. That way you don't buy the same thing over and over and over without doing on others.

[4] a grocery list, not only for the items, but their prices.In this way, do you know is the same as you saw in their ad or a higher price. You can also check their prices as they are scanned. scanning errors happen everyday, just don't let it happen to you.

[5] non-food products in the grocery store not buy it.Things like diapers, shampoo, lotions, and over the counter medications costs more and more in the grocery store. on these points it at your local department store dollar savings.

These five ideas can save money on the cost of the groceries.If you have a list of these savings for a month, then look at the total, I am sure you will be surprised as I was.I am setting up my savings money to an account for a trip to Mickey and his friends. Will I see you there?


Faylee James is a Life coach/Writer/speaker from North East Tennessee, which is an above average interest in cooking and live life to the fullest. its website is in honor of her mother, who recently passed away. Faylee want to share what her mother taught her about cooking and life, not only with her three daughters and a son, but with the world. for more recipes and thoughts, its Web site.

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