Friday, October 8, 2010

Think positive and Grow Rich

Almost everyone I've ever come across in my adult life has heard of the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Each has a pretty good understanding of the theory of positive thinking, the most favourable thoughts and merit to the concept of a lot of motivation gurus this philosophy as their own reaffirmed and the repackaged as the latest "wealth building" system and a fortune. "The secret" is the last program to do this.

Actually, "The Secret" has a unique and powerful twist on the philosophy of affirmations, positive thinking and that's why I think has become so popular.

The law of attraction plays the lead role in this new way of thinking and, in my opinion, finally someone has hit the nail on the head and make a very useful idea that actually work.

I'm always subscribed to the theory that we are what we think.Most of our free routine life, working on jobs we don't like, struggling to make ends meet, a lost salary of disaster.

Been there, done that!

I realized very early on in life that the majority of my random almost always daily thoughts were negative. I don't consider myself a negative thinker until I actually think in what I like about my day, on a routine basis by thought.

How do I go to my rent this month to pay for it? I suppose I could get a part-time job, I hate apply for a job. ughh I can work overtime, the thought of yet another minute additional expenditure on this, I believe that ...!Imagine that, at a red light and caught and my day went.

I remember the moment I read "Think and Grow Rich". I actually thought that I had stumbled on the answer and have a good day and a half writing positive affirmations on the index card, and them on my car dashboard, mirrors, the fridge to bind, you name it.

I remember very well the first confirmation that I wrote: "I am rich than my wildest dreams!"

I also remember very entertaining, mumbling, "Yes" every time I read it.

I knew it then, but my subconscious mind does not believe that I was rich, in fact it knew that I was not wealthy, so it should never to manifest wealth for me like Mr Hill promised that it would no doubt.

You must believe with full conviction that what you are saying where to confirmations. hungry I knew with every bone in my body, for example, that my next meal would be of the peanut butter and jelly because I broke a as could possibly be and still keeping a roof over their heads.

My positive affirmations made me think more negative than I had previously build up my downward spiral in a pit of despair that there is actually no escape.

It wasn't until I experimented with goal setting I realized the error of my ways.You can see, with the aim of the places that you are stating what you would like to have or to a specific point in your future.If reasonable, your mind does not reject the idea of you deserve a comfortable life and certainly will not be on your way to achieving this objective realistic.

I was going against the advice of other motivation gurus of the time that I didn't write down my goals and then put them away somewhere. actually I replaced my confirmation index cards with cards that had my goal setting and clearly defined.

This allowed me to visualize, with a good dose of reality, what my future life might look like, and presto, things began to click for me. great things, positive things.

Dale Carnegie actually refers to this idea in his immortal book, "how to win friends and Influence People". I urge you to go to my Web site at [] and pick up a free copy!

Years later, I am happy, content and financially comfortable, just like I was going, and I hope that you will start to think differently and you learn all about the law of attraction can. Good luck to you!

For more information about the subject of this article, go to []

Myla Madson is a well respected expert on women's issues ranging from health and beauty, relationships, and Parenting skills, home based business internet marketing possibilities. She has spent countless hours research the top information products available on the Internet today them together in one place in favour of women everywhere. Myla is also the founder of the popular website []

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